Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Przestań wyć

Leniwie przebrnęłam przez ten pochmurny dzień. Fałszywość i obłuda stoją na każdym skrzyżowaniu, niewinnie a zarazem bezczelnie machając do nas swoimi trującymi mackami. Czasem przeraża mnie myśl, że takie potwory mogą bez problemu zaburzyć moje plany, marzenia.. Mniejsza.
Złożyłam moje Kochane podanie. Jestem wprost oczarowana moim wyśnionym liceum, aczkolwiek poziom tam jest niezwykle wysoki, stąd też moje obawy, że jednak mogę się nie dostać.
Objadałam się brzoskwiniowymi żelkami. Mam nadzieję, że ta odrobina słodkości poprawi mi humor choć na chwilę.

Wildflower + Earthies Sandals

Have you noticed that I have a little addiction to beautiful shoes?  I'm especially fond of sandals.  I wear sandals almost everyday, and throughout all seasons.  Living in California, a girl can't survive without some comfortable, beautiful, and stylish sandals.  This pair of sandals I'm wearing from Earthies are one of my favorite pairs because they are seriously SO comfortable and I'm a sucker for a wedge.  I know I will be living in these all Summer.

Hope you are all enjoying some warm weather in your part of the world.  I've been spending a lot of time outside lately.  My vegetable garden is blossoming, and yesterday I planted some colorful flowers around the yard.  It really makes me smile.  And, today, I saw ANOTHER snake!  What is going on?  I've lived in my house for 8 years and I have never seen a snake, and now within a week I've seen TWO.  The good news is that this snake was a harmless Garter Snake, not a scary Rattlesnake like that last one.  The freaky thing was that when it saw me it slithered up a tree.  I didn't realize snakes could climb trees?  Man, I feel so out of the loop on the talents of snakes.  Okay, enough about snakes (promise)!

Have a lovely day beautiful friends!  xo, Shannon

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fluo. Waiting for Summer

Discover the latest women's blue shorts online with OASAP. Shop for women's black dressy shorts, white shorts, dark blue shorts, blue shorts and black shorts.

Colori accesi, frizzanti, fluorescenti, vivaci che illuminano e colorano le giornate più calde dell'estate, e, nel caso, in giornate calde ma grige come quelle di qualche giorno fa regalano la giusta carica di energia.
Sì, perché se ad aprile parlavamo di un'estate anticipata, ora sembra essere tornato un grigio, uggioso autunno accompagnato da nuvole e temporali. Speriamo la parentesi sia breve. Io, intanto, fra un outfit post, una sbirciata al pc e caramelle alla frutta, mi preparo a sostenere il mio penultimo esame pre-tesi.

 Bright, sparkling and fluorescent colors illuminate hot summer days, but in these gray days also give you a right energy charge. In april we tought there was early summer, now it seems to be autumn followed by clouds and storms. Now, I'm studying for one of my last exams before my degree.